Preserving our military heritage.
The National Guard Museum, located in Pierre, South Dakota was established to provide a facility for memorabilia and historical documents pertaining to the South Dakota National Guard. The museum is a repository of historical information for both the Army and Air National Guard. The museum originated as the 147th Field Artillery Historical Society in 1975. In 1983, the South Dakota Legislature put forth legislation to create an official South Dakota National Guard Museum and place its control under the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
The mission of the National Guard Museum is to acquire, preserve, protect, and display military equipment, records, relics, and memorabilia representing the heritage of the Dakota Militia and the South Dakota Army and Air National Guard. The museum also educates National Guard members and the general public about the heritage of the South Dakota National Guard both in place and at war. The South Dakota museum is one of only 20 authorized National Guard museums in the nation.
The South Dakota National Guard Museum has a large exhibit area. On display outside the museum is an actual A-7D jet, Sherman tank, 75mm Cannon, 105mm Howitzer, anti-aircraft guns and an Armored Personnel Carrier. Inside the museum are displays covering each period of the South Dakota National Guard and Militia’s existence. Each collection reflects the heritage of the National Guard in South Dakota and accomplishments of the period. Collections include memorabilia and artifacts from the Dakota Militia of the 1860’s up through and including the modern equipment South Dakota guardsman have used in the Gulf War, the Bosnian peace keeping mission and Operations Noble Eagle and Enduring Freedom.
Membership at the museum is available in different levels. The attached Membership Application will give full information on the options available.